We provide food certification data for online food retail platforms so consumers can shop with confidence.
91% of shoppers make buying decisions based on 3rd-party certifications.1
We provide an API for online food marketplaces to access all kinds of food certifications.
Uber Eats Case Study
Without us, Uber Eats’ customers cannot reliably find Kosher restaurants.
With our data, Uber Eats’ users can easily find Kosher food they trust so they can complete orders without leaving the app.
There’s a reason restaurants pay $1,000s per month for 3rd-party certification: consumer trust!
Instacart Case Study
Without us, Instacart’s customers cannot filter for Halal food and cannot trust search results.
Certification labels may be missing or hard to spot based on images alone, even with zooming in.
With our data, Instacart’s users can filter for Halal products (and much more) based on certifiers they trust.
Search results are more relevant with easy-to-view certificate labels so users don’t need to hunt through blurry images.
How It Works
First we aggregate and structure certification data from hundreds of different third-party certification agencies.
Then we serve that data to online food retailers like Instacart, Amazon Fresh, Uber Eats, and Doordash or restaurant directories like Google Maps and Yelp.
(e.g. Orthodox Union, BeVeg)
Online Retailers
(e.g. Instacart, Uber Eats)
Certified Food
Data as a Service
Diversity & Inclusion
Food brings people together, but only when everyone’s dietary needs are met. Our mission helps empower diversity and inclusion efforts at work, events, or just entertaining at home.
Think of it as a win, win, win, win, win.
Win for consumers
e.g. You, your friends, and family
Personalized shopping experience (i.e. better search results)
Trust and confidence
Feeling included and comfortable practicing their lifestyle
e.g. Instacart, Uber Eats, Google Maps
Win for online retailers
Doing the right thing for Diversity & Inclusion (Brand/PR)
Increased revenue
Improved user experience
Win for certifiers
e.g. Orthodox Union, BeVeg, Halal Foundation
Increased brand exposure & control
Value to certified customers (consumer goods manufacturers and restaurants)
Data management services
Win for manufacturers
e.g. Kraft Heinz, Coca-Cola, Kellog’s
Get more value out of certification
Increased revenue
Better search optimization for target customers
Win for restaurants
e.g. Nagila Pizza, Halal Guys, Krispy Kreme
Get more value out of certification
Increased revenue
We are two brothers from Los Angeles trying to help people trust the food they buy online.
We both grew up keeping kosher at home and when eating out. We relied on local and national kosher certification organizations to trust which restaurants we could eat at and what products at the grocery store were ok.
Now we are building a way for people of all dietary needs (kosher, halal, vegan, gluten-free & more) to be able to easily find food online they can trust fits their standards.